India’s technology city is either looking up at the skies or awaiting tankers for water. Since Cauvery Alone cannot fulfill Bengaluru ‘s water needs, experts say the city needs an […]
પોળો મા વર્ષો પહેલા ઘર માં બનેલા કૂવાનું પાણી માત્ર પૂજાપાઠ માં ઉપયોગ માં લેવાય છે
માણેકચોક વિસ્તાર માં આવેલી નાગજી ભુદર ની પોળ માં રહેતા મીનાક્ષીબેન શાહ ના ઘરે રહેલા કુવામાં છેલ્લા 50 વર્ષમાં કયારે પાણી નો ઉમેરો કર્યો નથી તેમ છતાં પાણી ખૂટતું નથી […]
It’s Still World Water Day
The World is heating up as climate change looms large, destroying lives and livelihoods. From a significant drop in food and Water security, to energy crises and erosion of natural […]
Sustainable Water Solutions: Exploring Rooftop and Surface Rainwater Harvesting Systems
Water scarcity is a growing concern worldwide, driven by increasing populations, climate change, and urbanization. With the unpredictability of weather patterns and the growing stress on freshwater supplies, rainwater harvesting […]
Top Ways to Save Rain Water
Water is a precious resource, and it’s crucial to save rain water whenever possible. One effective way to do this is through rain water harvesting and water conservation. Rainwater harvesting […]
How Rain Water Harvesting Helps In Water Conservation?
Have you ever wondered about a natural way to save water and lessen the strain on our municipal supplies? Enter rainwater harvesting — a simple yet powerful process of collecting […]
Artificial Recharge through different techniques for rain water harvesting
Water-supply development is challenging. Increasing demands for water joined with concerns for environmental protection require a variety of new water management tools. Such a tool for the conjunctive use of surface water […]
Rooftop rainwater harvesting: A tool for refashioning India’s water management praxis
Discipline of water management is now situated at the precipice of change; it has opened its traditionally closed and ‘elite’ routines to democratic practices India’s rapid urban growth is putting […]
Injectable water filtration system could improve access to clean drinking water
Photo credit: The Engineer More than 2 billion people, approximately a quarter of the world’s population, lack access to clean drinking water. A new, portable and affordable water filtration solution […]
Solving Water Woes of Indian Farmers One Borewell at a Time
Farmers in Hubali were digging one borewell after another looking for water to irrigate their farms. Some of them dug around 30 borewells and still faced water scarcity. All of […]