
Fill your water resource with Rain!

rain life with water

Water has always been given a prime importance in ancient India with our first civilization arising on the banks of the Indus River. Indians have been so obsessed with water that all our ceremonies starting from birth to death, cannot be completed without water. In ancient India, Hindus invoked the seven holy rivers while taking a bath, with this famous shloka everyday:

Gange cha Yamune chaiva Godavari Sarasvati

Narmadhe Sindho Kaveri Jalesmin Sannidhim Kuru

-Ahnika Sutravai

Which means, O Rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu and Kaveri, please enrich the water I am bathing with, with your presence? A Hindu believes that the presence of these seven sacred rivers in the water makes it holy and as he chants this, all his sins get washed away. He feels fresh like a flower and pure like a crystal after such a bath.

Another saying from Atharwa veda, reinstates the value of water as the elixir of all life forms.

“Born of the dew of heaven, in the waters of rivers and oceans…

From where sprouts the divine water-lily”

– Atharwa Veda

In Sanskrit, the word “Saras” means water, from which comes the word “Sarovar” – a collection of water and “Saraswati” – the goddess of knowledge. So, where there is water, knowledge follows. But, over the years as we developed in the wake of the industrial revolution and green revolution, we polluted all our rivers and lakes and exhausted our resources by drawing underground water indiscriminately. The value for water that was imbibed in our culture and got transcended generation over generation got wiped away. So, a country which was known as “Sone Ki Chidiya”, due to the highest fraction of arable (cultivable) land, which made it prosperous, is now on the verge of a severe water crisis. Through this article, we wish to bring forth the various aspects of this indispensable natural resource, which we have forgotten now-a-days.

  1. Astronomical: Various researches are going on with enormous budgets about discovering water on other planets. NASA trains their astronauts to collect every drop of even Sweat & Urine and treat it to a degree to make it potable during their missions.
  2. Economical: Economics of water plays a very important role right from harnessing of the source and to the distribution to the end users. There is a huge gap between the cost of production & revenue collections from water supply, which has caused important discussions among institutions, civic bodies and organisations.
  3. Fundamental: Water is a fundamental need and right for every living organism for the existence of life. There is no life without water. Earth is the only planet in the solar system with life due to the presence of water. Human body is 60% water. One can live without food but cannot live without water.
  4. Historical: All civilizations across the world be it Indian, Greek or Egyptian, all originated around rivers.
  5. International: Availability of reasonable quantity and good quality of water is the most discussed agenda at the international level and many countries have to sign treaties for coming out to a conclusion about getting water supply.
  6. Medicinal: Physiotherapy and other medicinal procedures use hot and cold for treatment of various ailments. Hydrotherapy is known to be effective in a number of lifestyle disorders and curing other major diseases.
  7. Mythological: In Hindu Mythology, many Gods & Goddesses are associated with water. Varuna is the source of all the water and father of Goddess Lakshmi. Lord Indra is considered the God of “Rain” bringing fresh water from the sky.
  8. Political: Water has now become a big political subject and many states and countries are fighting over water sharing.
  9. Spiritual: Water has a special spiritual power in India culture. Whenever Hindus perform a Pooja, they do Achamana- a process of purification by sipping drops of water. “Abhishek” is a water bath which is given to the Indian idols to wake them up. So, water carriers a huge significance in Indian culture and tradition and is a part of all rituals.
  10. Social: Water as a subject has brought many social groups together on the same platform for the development, harmony and benefit of the community.

Albeit all the above facets to water, we do not realize the importance of water. India today is also the world’s largest groundwater extractor, pumping out nearly 25% of the global groundwater usage annually. Five of the world’s 20 largest cities under water stress are in India. To improve this situation, each one of us has to act NOW to save this resource.

Groundwater using rainwater

Let’s all contribute in the mission of harvesting pure water on the earth, which is delivered at home free by Almighty God!  Let’s capture, clear, consume and conserve rain water in our resources like Tank, Borewell, Dug well or Recharge well!!

Rain Harvest brings happiness

Let’s take a mission forward towards a water secure nation as it’s this mighty resource that will determine India’s ability to achieve high economic growth, ensure environmental sustainability and improve quality of life for citizens.

The earth, the air, the land and the water are not an inheritance from our fore fathers but on loan from our children. So, we have to handover to them at least as it was handed over to us. – Mahatma Gandhi

This article is written by Shri Devdutt Patnayak, we admire this article and publish the same for the benefit of our stakeholders!  Credit to him!


Vardhman Envirotech

India’s Passionate Rain Water Harvesting Company