
Toxic mix: Groundwater may pump you with sickness…

AHMEDABAD: your residential society should think twice before it mixes groundwater with municipal water in its sump. Thirty-three villages surrounding Ahmedabad city have received letters from Gujarat water supply and sewerage Board, which warn them to stop drawing water from their bore wells. all water samples tested for 15 parameters were deemed “unfit” for consumption. The parameter measured were not total dissolved salts and hardness alone, but also chloride, nitrate, fluoride, alkalinity and PH levels. The samples were taken on various days of July.

Thirty-three villages in Ahmedabad city have received letters from Gujarat water supply and sewerage Board, which warn them to stop drawing water from their bore well.

In Kumar khan village, fluoride and sulphate levels were found to be 2.26 milligram per liter (mg/l) and 681 mg/l while the permissible limits are 1.5mg/l and 400 mg/l. similarly, water samples from abasana village had high total dissolved salts, at 8,094 mg/l while the permissible limit is 2000 mg/l. The level of chloride in the groundwater in this village was 4,868 mg/l while the permissible limit is 1,000 mg/l.

Every day, the AMC supplies 1369 mill8ion liters of drinking water to roughly 72 lakh citizens. But daily, the municipal corporation receives 1739 million liters of sewage at its treatment plants! The difference indicates that amdavadis draw 370 million liters of extra water from the ground every day.” The fact that all 32 samples have been declared unfit should ring alarm bells for citizens , “said prafull Mehta, a farmer who had filed an RTI query on the groundwater status report.

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