
Idea, Intention, Initiative : water positive Habitat

Rain Water available in abundant quantity for daily storage and recharge or both !  Starting with reuse for daily need is the first wise decision and excess water is to be diverted to recharge structures i.e. Injecting Rain Water directly in to existing bore well, recharge well, dug well or simply a percolation well.  Recharge of Rain water depends on the ability of Mother Earth to accept Rain Water; i.e. aquifer pattern beneath.   Here is a simple guide that will help you decide your next step ( Storage or Recharge ) after collecting and Filtering Rain Water from Roof top !

Criteria Aquifer pattern beneath Recommended next Step          ( Storage or Recharge )
Impermeable, non-porous, non-homogeneous, hard rock area Storage
Depth of groundwater table More than 8 metres Recharge and storage
Nature of terrain Hilly, rocky or undulating Storage
Uniform or flat, alluvial and sedimentary Recharge and storage
Nature of soil Alluvial, sandy, loamy soils, gravel, silty, with boulders or small stones (kankar) Recharge and storage
Clayey soil Storage
Nature of geological formation Massive rocks (such as the Deccan trap) Storage
Fractured, faulted or folded rocks, or comprises of weathered, jointed or fissured rocks Recharge and storage
Nature of rainfall and monsoon Number of rainy days are more, bimodal monsoon, not intensive, uniformly distributed Storage
Unimodal monsoon, rainfall available only for a few months Recharge and storage

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