
Our Planet has enough water for our need not for our Greed !

India is a ground water civilized Nation; Water is a common pool resource but its extraction is interpreted individual right. A Sociology-Economical perspective to this technical term could be to compute the true cost of water and make equity and sustainability core of our policy.


From water scarce to water positive status its the integrated thinking and steps for usage of water for soil moisture, irrigation, live stock, domestic, commercial purpose or Industrial requirement is crucial.  We need to make running water walk, walking water crawl and crawling water stand and standing water percolate.

About 4 billion cubic meter of RAIN water gets wasted annually ( out of 16.5 bn cum total rain) as run off water without being tapped for Surface Storage or Ground Water Recharge. Sensible step to capture and conserve will help fast depletion of our ground water and help us to be a sustainable Society.

In short ” The Planet has enough water for our needs for not for our Greed ”  Stay tuned with us for insights on Rain Water…!