
Well recharge attempt: TDS of well recharge water reduced from 4 thousand to 2 thousand after five years

In Shinay of Gandhi Dham, the respectable efforts made by the young farmer paid off Levels in surrounding wells also improved, prompting the government to come up with a plan for well recharge.

Gandhi Dham taluk is known for industrialization, but a young farmer brought water harvesting and well recharge efforts to the Shinai village here five years ago. Ravi Baldania, a young farmer and panchayat member living in Shinai, started recharging the well on Deoria Shinai Road 5 years ago by naturally channeling rainwater.

Gradually the area of CC was made and the surrounding water was channelized, and even if the well overflowed, the water would flow to another field. The TDS of the water measured 5 years ago was as high as 4 thousand, but after so many years of continuous recharging, the level has come down to around 2 thousand.

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So, the water levels in the surrounding wells have also risen. Ravi Bhai, who made this successful attempt, said that while groundwater level decline is a big problem in Kutch if, the government implements any subsidy or scheme to recharge wells, a small experiment can bring big results.

Vardhman Envirotech

India’s Passionate rainwater company

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