Piezometers are the geotechnical instruments designed to measure pore water pressure or Piezometric level of boreholes. We closely work for groundwater level management. Piezometers are used to measure liquid pressure; a column of the liquid rises against gravity, or a device which measures the pressure; more precisely, the piezometric head of groundwater at a specific depth. Observation wells gives information on the water level in a formation, with piezometer automatic reading, data acquisition and monitoring becomes convenient.
Construction of Piezometer (within premises) is mandatory if the daily withdrawal of groundwater is more than 10M3. The Observation well and installation of Piezometer with Telemetry system to be done at a minimum distance of 50 Meters from production bore well.
Piezometer is a bore well/ tube well used only for measuring the water level by lowering the tape/sounder or automatic water level measuring equipment.
The piezometer is to be installed/constructed at the minimum of 50 m distance from the pumping well through which groundwater is being withdrawn.
The diameter of the piezometer should be about 4” to 6”.
The depth of the piezometer should be same as in case of the pumping well from which groundwater is being abstracted.
If, more than one piezometers are installed the second piezometer should monitor the shallow groundwater regime. It will facilitate shallow as well as deeper groundwater aquifer monitoring.
The measuring frequency should be monthly and accuracy of measurement should be up to cm. The reported measurement should be given in meter up to two decimal. For measurement of water level sounder or Automatic Water Level Recorder (AWLR) with telemetry system should be used for accuracy. The measurement of water level in piezometer should be taken, only after the pumping from the surrounding tube wells has been stopped for about four to six hours.
A permanent display board should be installed at Piezometer/ Tube well site for providing the location, piezometer/ tube well number, depth and zone tapped of piezometer/tube well for standard referencing and identification.