Rain Water Harvesting


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India’s passionate Rain water company

Vardhman Envirotech is ISO 9001 : 2015 accredited India’s passionate Rain water harvesting company. We make your world Water Positive by scientific, efficient and advance technologies that harvest Rainwater !

We offer integrated solution for various applications of Rain water harvesting. Our work starts from Consulting, Designing, Supply, Installation, Maintenance and after sales services for Rain water Reuse, Injection well for Recharge, Lake management, Moisture retention and Aquifer management.

Our expertise is to offer site specific, simple and sensible solution to conserve crores of litres of Rainwater every year at nominal onetime cost! Our Solutions are designed for individual Bunglows, Flats, Colonies, Town Ships, Institutions or Industries. We help Industries to Reuse rain water for daily need and further recharge ground water beneath.

Today, Vardhman Envirotech has become synonymous with Rainwater harvesting in India. Vardhman Envirotech is empanelled with many National, Multinational companies, leading architects and plumbing consultants. Having distinction of exporting Rainwater filters in many Asian and African countries, Vardhman Envirotech also has projects in 15 States of India.

Key areas of our work are as below

Rainwater Consulting

  • Preliminary Study
  • Hydrogeology Study
  • Topography Study

Integrated design and solution

  • Rooftop rainwater reuse and recharge
  • Surface rainwater recharge
  • Injection recharge well for large and loose areas
  • Lake water management
  • Piezeometer with Telemetry Installation
  • Electromagnetic Flow Meters
  • Moisture retention system
  • Storm water design and execution
  • Lime plaster for rainwater tanks
  • Agriculture rainwater harvesting


Vardhman Envirotech is actively associated with Industry, trade bodies and Management associations.

  • Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Jain International Trade Organization
  • Ahmedabad Management Association
  • Indian Plumbing Association
  • Indian Plastics Manufacturers Association
  • Alert Vyapar Organization
  • JITO Business Network
  • Amazon India INC.
  • Sheth Shri Anandji Kalyanji Jain Shwetambar Pedhi
  • Maratha Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Association (MCCIA)
  • Indo African Chambers of Commerce (IACC)
  • Indo American Chambers of Commerce (IACC)
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA)
  • Ambuja Cements Limited

Piezometer Installation

Raintap Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting

Rainy Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting

Frequently Asked Questions

Rainwater Harvesting is to save each drop of Rainwater falling on Roof or Surface for later usage or recharge.

Rain is fresh source of water that feeds our current sources of water like Rivers, Lakes, Dams, Ground water.

Rainwater is pure, soft and fresh water. It has all important vitamins required for healthy life. Rainwater doesn't have Hardness or TDS when captured directly.

Roof of 1200 Sq. Ft can save minimum 56,000 litres of pure water every year. At every rain, you will get approx 4000 litres of water.

For a family of 5 persons, you need to make tank of 7500 litres capacity. Say L 2 mtr x W 2 mtr X D 2 mtr.

Give overflow from Drinking water tank to utility tank and connect overflow of utility tank to borewell. Once your Drinking water tank is full, you will get water in utility tank. Same way, if utility tank gets full, water will be recharged in your borewell.

Our Rooftop Rainwater filter doesn't require human intervention. Harvesting will be done automatically.

You can easily drain out first rainfall with first flush arrangement given with our Rainwater filter.

Yes, Rooftop Rainwater from clean water outlet of the Rainwater filter can be directly sent to existing borewell.

No. Our Rainwater filter works on the principle of gravity hence electricity is not required.