
RechargeRain is a unique Injection well technology designed to capture, filter and recharge pure rainwater from large open areas or loose soil into deeper layers of permeable and impervious earth's strata through unique 'Non clogging, SS V wire technology for filtration'. This is a proven system to augment ground water level and rejuvenate dried bore wells.

Water logging is a nuisance in any premise. This is not only causing havoc but also results in loss of precious water. Looking at the space availability and recharge requirements in Industrial facility, we have designed unique "Non Clogging V Wire Technology for Surface water filtration". Our patent forwarded design is proven for its performance in various terrains across India. This design is primarily aimed at locations with higher surface volume and flow. It is flexible enough to fit even on roadside, garden or integrated with storm channel to capture, filter and recharge surface runoff.


Advantages of RechargeRain

  • Modular, ready to use
  • Works on gravity
  • Silt trap and Main unit with Five stages of filtration
  • Major, medium and micro filtration
  • User friendly and easy to maintain online system
  • Two units of Non clogging SS 304 filter element
  • Prevents impurities up to 500 Micron
  • Can be integrated with storm channels, garden, loose soil
  • No Water loss
  • No Electricity
  • No Consumables
  • No worry; fit it forget it

Features of RechargeRain

  • Ground water recharge is less expensive than surface water
  • Efficient compared to over ground storage structures
  • Less vulnerable to pollution than surface water
  • Improves ground water quality by dilution
  • No conveyance or evaporation loss
  • Increases productivity of Aquifer
  • Reduces soil erosion
  • Raises ground water level

Injection recharge well installation

Industrial Storm Line Recharge

Plain Surface Recharge

Recharge well with Quantification Meter

Recharge well with Quantification Meter Online

Rocky terrain surface recharge

Lake water recharge

Underground tank recharge

Open storm line recharge

Underground storm line recharge

Horizontal combined bore well recharge

Injection well with Quantification meter

Injection well with Quantification meter

Deep storm water recharge

Open storm line recharge

Loose open surface recharge

Paved open surface recharge

Lake recharge through Injection Recharge well

Rainwater recharge through Lake facilittes recharge during and after the monsson. RechargeRain is a unique Injection well technology designed to capture, filter and recharge pure rainwater from defined Invert level of lake into deeper layers of permeable and impervious earth's strata through unique 'Non clogging, SS V wire technology for filtration'. This is a proven system to augment ground water level and rejuvenate dried bore wells.

Advantages of Injection Recharge well

  • Recharge is possible even after monsoon season
  • Ground water recharge is less expensive than surface water
  • Efficient compared to over ground storage structures
  • Improves ground water quality by dilution
  • No conveyance or evaporation loss
  • Increases productivity of Aquifer
  • Reduces soil erosion
  • Raises ground water level

Successful Installations

RechargeRain FAQ's

Injection recharge well is ready to use surface filtration and recharge system that captures rainwater falling on surface catchment, filters it from physical impurities and diverts to recharge bore well.

Injection Recharge well has five stages of major, medium and micro filtration and a defined water volume and head that ensure fast and efficient rainwater recharge to augment ground water sources.

Injection recharge well captures water from loose surfaces, lake, storm channel etc. Surface rainwater flows through Primary and Secondary filter modules. The primary module ( Silt Trap ) has three stage of filtration i.e. balloon, three filter arrays i.e. gravels, activated carbon, charcoal, coarse sand and one horizontal non-clogging SS 304 filter element. The secondary ( Main well ) has two stages of filtration again i.e. three filter arrays i.e. gravels, activated carbon, charcoal, coarse sand and one vertical non-clogging SS 304 filter element. Thus rainwater passes through total five stages of filtration by gravity and clean rainwater flows to the recharge bore well.

Inlet: 150 mm (6”), Outlet: 150 mm (6”), Over flow Drain outlet: 150 mm (6”).

Air vents : 1). 63 mm and 2). 32 mm.

Over flow allows draining of excess water.

It depends on type of surface catchment and geology. Generally one Injection recharge well can cover approximately 1500 Sq. Meters to 2000 Sq. Mtrs of surface area.

Two SS 304 Non Clogging filter elements. One in Silt Trap is of 150 mm dia and 500 mm length, with one end of non-clogging flat surface and second one is in Main well having 150 mm dia and 500 mm length, with one end of non-clogging flat surface and provision for air vent.

Both Filter elements are of 500 Micron and made out of SS 304 material.

It’s easy. One can take out balloon, empty it, wash it and wash to filter media, SS filter element under a running tap and place it back.

Injection well is ready to use system made out of round precast modules.

Injection recharge well has silt trap of 4 ft dia and 4 ft depth. Main well has 4 ft dia and 12 ft Depth that can be extended up to 16 ft and 20 ft.

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